A global community that cares
#UCLGMeets Annual Retreat 2021
Augmented (Local) Reality
🔴Plenary Format 🔴
The Digital Revolution of the Movement
Philipp Rode, Executive Director of LSE Cities
María Fernanda Espinosa, President of the 73 United Nations General Assembly, UCLG UBUNTU Advisor
The mandate we have is clear: we must move from social distance to a world driven by communities. In order to achieve this, we have adopted the mandate to develop a far-reaching Pact for the Future whose main agreement is to deepen the democratic process and transformation of cities and territories. The Pact should reflect the principles, values and aspirations shared going beyond the international agreements. They should challenge the international community to go further and showcase the commitment and capacity of those that regularly contribute to international policy but are not yet fully included in the formal processes.
A Pact for People: Defining the Future with and for/by the communities. The Pact for People means ensuring that the sacrifices made now will reflect on a better life for future generations. The Universal Development Agendas will be the framework upon which to ensure access to basic services, co-creation with our communities, and the defence of the rights of our communities are at the core of our renewed strategy.
A Pact for the Planet: Defining the Commitments toward Sustainability and Resilience. We will remain committed to pursuing the necessary global ecological transition, especially in view of the renewed threats that we are facing. From our position as a municipal movement, we will contribute to raising the ambition of our efforts to tackle the climate emergency and contribute to the sustainability and resilience of our planet.
A Pact for Government and Democracy: Defining Governing in Partnership. The new strategy will continue to put our communities at the core of the decision-making mechanisms, building peace and prosperity from our cities and our regions. The transition from an international system to one driven by our communities will be at the core of our efforts, as will be the renewal of the multilateral system to ensure the next generation of multilateralism by the time the UN turns 100.
Over the past couple of weeks the 5 Policy Councils of the World Organization, policymaking mechanisms led by local leaders that allow us to strengthen our political debate and develop policy recommendations, have gathered twice -in the form of a Preparatory and a Formal meeting- ahead of the Annual Retreat to further feed the discussions.
The Policy Council that aligns the most with the Pact for Planet is Safer, Resilient and Sustainable Cities, Capable of Facing Crises
The two Policy Councils most related to the Pact for Government are the Policy Council on Territorial Multilevel Governance and Sustainable Financing and the Policy Council on the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda.
Please find the documents below that outline the meetings, as well as the coverage by IISD.
📄 Multilevel Governance - Information Note 📰 Multilevel Governance - IISD Highlights & Coverage
📄 New Urban Agenda - Information Note 📰 New Urban Agenda - IISD Highlights & Coverage (not yet available)
Our UCLG TV will broadcast on demand with original and innovative material related to the topic of the day. Stay tuned to see your work and our work through this new connection window!
🎥 [UCLG IN ACTION Channel] with latest news, conferences, campaigns and more.
🎬 [OUR VOICES Channel] with key interviews, talks, keynotes.
📽️ [LRG CARTOON NETWORK] with animated and fun material.
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Networking HUB 💡 An interactive space via Wonder
An interactive space to “see” each other in real time, to sit down and enjoy a coffee alone, with a colleague or a dear friend you haven´t seen in a while. This new tool seeks to maintain the spirit, and informality of interactions typically taking place in the UCLG Networking HUB. Link to be shared when the Retreat begins.
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